Jun 21, 2024 12:25:09 PM | Written by AMPCO METAL

The quality of tube bending tools has a direct impact on the precision and integrity of the bent tubes used in industries ranging from aerospace to deep-sea exploration. Choosing the right materials for these tools is essential to ensure they can withstand the rigors of the bending process and deliver defect-free results. In this article, we look at the best materials for tube bending tools, their sustainability benefits, and the critical considerations when using these tools in extreme conditions.

Selecting the right materials for tube bending tools is critical to ensuring the quality and accuracy of the bent tube. Tube bending tools, such as wiper dies and mandrels, must be made of materials that can withstand the stresses of the bending process without causing defects such as galling, scratching or scoring on the tube surface.


Read more in the free technical paper «Troubleshooting common tube bending issues – a material guide»


AMPCO METAL offers non-ferrous materials such as AMPCO® 21, AMPCO® 18.23, and AMPCO® M4 that are ideal for bending high-strength materials such as various grades of stainless steel (SS304, SS409, SS441, and SS316), Inconel, and titanium. These nonferrous materials prevent surface damage and ensure smooth bends. For bending softer materials such as copper and aluminum, AMPCO METAL offers ferrous materials with special coatings that are perfect for consumables such as wipers and mandrels to ensure longevity and performance.

The sustainability aspect of tube bending tools

Sustainability in tube bending tool manufacturing involves using materials and methods that reduce environmental impact and increase tool life. Modern manufacturing techniques aim to minimize energy consumption by using energy-efficient machines and optimizing settings to reduce friction during tooling. This approach significantly saves energy and reduces environmental impact.

tube bending machine

In addition, minimizing waste through precise machining and material usage is critical. Efficient tooling designs help reduce material waste and optimize the material needed, conserving resources. Investing in high-quality, durable bending tools also contributes to sustainability by reducing the need for frequent replacements and repairs, further conserving resources, and minimizing waste. AMPCO METAL's high-performance materials are designed to last longer, supporting sustainable manufacturing practices.

Considerations for tube bending tools in extreme conditions

Designing tube bending tools for extreme conditions such as aerospace, deep-sea exploration, and high-temperature environments presents unique challenges. Tools must withstand wide temperature variations, high pressures, and corrosive environments. For aerospace applications, tools must handle lightweight yet strong materials such as titanium and ensure precise bends without compromising tube integrity. For deep-sea exploration, bending tools must be made from materials that resist corrosion and retain their properties in harsh environments.

AMPCO METAL's materials, such as AMPCO® 21 and AMPCO® M4, offer excellent corrosion resistance and mechanical strength, making them ideal for these applications. In high-pressure environments, tools must maintain their shape and performance under stress, ensuring the bent tubes do not collapse or suffer from excessive thinning. AMPCO METAL's advanced materials ensure that the bending tools perform reliably under these conditions.


Why you should use AMPCO® alloys for tube bending tools

The best materials for tube bending tools combine properties such as durability, strength, and corrosion resistance. AMPCO METAL offers a range of high-quality materials such as AMPCO® 21, AMPCO® 18.23, and AMPCO® M4 that are specifically designed to improve the tube bending process by preventing tool wear and ensuring accurate, defect-free bends. 

Sustainability concerns focus on reducing energy consumption and waste in tooling, while extreme conditions demand materials that ensure reliability and safety. By leveraging AMPCO METAL's advanced materials and expertise, manufacturers can optimize their tube bending tools for a wide range of applications, ensuring durability, efficiency, and environmental responsibility.


For further information about tube bending, please download our free technical paper «Troubleshooting common tube bending issues – a material guide»


Troubleshooting common tube bending issues








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